Tuesday, June 25, 2013

RIP Lastco.

After well over 5 years of being a part of LastCo, and hundreds and hundreds of hours spent ingame, I feel it's fitting to say goodbye. I have quite a bit to say on the matter, and nobody will probably read anyways but I just want to say it. After all I have a right to for all I've done for this server.

 I'll never forget my time in LastCo and how much fun I had with everyone. Through a dark period of my life I at least had somewhere where I could just relax and be myself. I would say I owe a lot to this server, but in all honesty, it owes a lot more to all of us. We all loved the way LastCo was at the beginning, we didn't have any problems with the direction the server was going in, Angelics were a blessing for most. PvP was mostly balanced and unique, you can cry and moan about the power players all you like, but I'll be damned if you couldn't find people to fight at your "tier" of play. We had an interesting way of balancing out the server, and guilds facilitated that. Everything worked pretty well. Power players balanced each other out, and even then they weren't too heavily imbalanced. Most only having 5-10 rbs. SMALL was an exception, however he was so ass at the game that even a full +16 could kill him easily. I would say around the release of angelics the server was at its peak, and the stats would probably back me up on that one. But it was after then that each adjustment just fucked the server over slightly. The way you recruited staff was awful, I don't know what went through your mind when you came up with the idea of donating for GM status (although I have a feeling it had something to do with $$$$$$$$$$$$$$). Aside from your greed, the way rules were punished was god awful. You stopped being the owner of the server we needed and just decided to let shit slide. Of course, you only let shit slide for the "donating class" of Lastco. At one point in time it was so bad that you banned people based on "evidence" and forced them to pay to get unbanned.

For Seth.
You allowed a select few players to bot and cheat their way through the game, just because they paid you well. I can't believe how you just became a bitch and let them shove a stick up your ass and control you like the puppet you were. Seth, you're a grade A scumbag, it might shock you to hear that from me, but I'd hope you will read this sometime. Because you really are, you're a piece of shit and your player base deserved way better than you. Enjoy the fat stack of cash you raked in, you're still a greedy bastard and I doubt you feel any remorse for the people you took advantage of. Most of you won't understand this part, it's very personal and concealed, I might come out as an ass, but unless you know the entirety of it just hold off your judgement because it's really a lot worse than you know (as well as it's none of your business). Aside from all that, you did create this community in the first place so you deserve that much credit. If you ever decide to open another server maybe you should listen to your player base, LastCo lasted a long time, but it really could still be there. 

Regardless of all that, let us remember the good times and friends we made on LastCo. It means a great deal to some, and to others, not much at all. Whatever the case, I wish you the best in your lives, as we all move on sometime in life. Goodbye LCO. You will be missed. 

On a side note, some of us have moved to League Of Legends, If you play aswell feel free to add me in the NA region. My IGN is: nRive . Include your name from lastco in your friend request.
I don't care how bad/good you are, we will still play with you anyways.


Thursday, January 17, 2013

LastCo Blog forum.

Since there is now an official forum for LastCo I don't think this is needed!!!

Please visit the actual official forum at   http://www.lastco.net/frmlco/index.php

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Angelic Guide!

Really glad to finally kick this off, I will be getting better as we go so please bear with me through my not so good screenshots! ANYWAYS, let's get started.

Angelic Sword - Cassiel

Angelic Poleaxe - Samandiriel

last updated  at 5:43 Nov 7 2012

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

New blog photo!

I thought the photo on our blog was too blah, and wasn't even fun to look at. So I decided to take something right out of the game, a picture with plenty of popular players (me especially) and the best guild ever! Please feedback on the photo, I am going to edit the size but atm I'm too lazy to do it ^_^ it's a beautiful screenshot though so please enjoy it. Or else you can just go join the gay club \=

Monday, September 24, 2012

Starting out, a guide all the way down.

Well, some people come to LastCo clueless of what they're doing, I'm posting this guide to tell how to spend your cps on the correct things in the correct order. Don't  forget to recommend this blog, it's getting kind-of small, and there are a lot of people who could use it. I decided to put this guide in numerical order, to make it easier to read and understand. Enjoy - Daisuke

1. The first thing you would want to do is to VOTE  AND CLAIM YOUR VIP MAP IN TWIN CITY.
if you don't know how to vote, go to lastco.net , click the top100 banner and type in the capcha code, you can do this on 3 accounts so do it 3 times a day, if you get an error just try to vote again it'll work. YOU CAN NO LONGER GET VIP MAPS UNLESS YOU HAVE DONATED IN THE PAST 60 DAYS.

2.***START WITH A WATER TAOIST*** Get your level to 130, this can be difficult without a x20/x50 exp potion, so ask around! Plenty of people will give you one for free. (like me.)  So after you get a x20/50 exp potion, go to red devils and find a person to tank for you. (you can pick up gold and trade it for cps to CP Admin in the market, so do that often!)http://lastco.blogspot.com/search/label/CPS  <---- Read if you don't have enough cps

3. (This can be done before/during 2.) Upgrade all of your equipment to super, it's relatively cheap and essential to do ANYTHING.

4. Make a new character, make him your apprentice, and level him up to around level 130 also. Go on your main character and claim apprentice experience balls  (you should have like 2 thousand.) You will want to use an apprentice until level 143, DO NOT REBORN YET

REBIRTH COMBOS!   Ok this is where things can get tricky, first things first I'll tell you my rebirth combo. (Water-Warrior-Trojan-Trojan-Water/(class-change)Trojan) This is probably the most common and popular reborn combos, although it costs 6 MILLION cps to classchange, you can do this in twin city, however, by the time you are 4th reborn that might not seem like a lot of cps, but don't worry about that yet because you're still a NOOB.

5. After you are level 143 and are ready to get stronger, go ahead and do your first reborn, generally people 1rb into a warrior, then into the class they are wanting to be. So reborn into a warrior, and remember any equipment you have on you will be de-leveled, so you'll have to level it all the way back up. THAT INCLUDES ULTIMATE/ANGELICS You will be boosted  back up to the level you reborn at after you get to level 130 so don't worry about that.

6. 2nd rebirth. You will want to reborn into the class that you want to play as for the rest of your LastCo experience. Make this decision wisely, I strongly suggest to be a trojan. (cus they boss)

7. Now that you're 2nd reborn, it's time to get in-to the flow of the game, this is when you will start using cps, if you need guides on how to get cps, please explore the blog a little more, for it will show you ways in which you can get rich quickly. PLEASE GET AT LEAST 100K TO START STEP 8. http://lastco.blogspot.com/search/label/CPS <------ READ GUIDES THERE TO LEARN HOW TO GET CPS

8. Now that we have a good amount of cps (100k or more) we're going to start adding + to our equipment, if you don't know how just ask around, since I don't have a video to explain it yet. We want to get you into at least full +7's. So work hard on doing that! Once you have full +7, you may proceed to the next step.

9. Now the bullshit is over. We need to start getting serious about making cps, I want you to get full +9, yeah I'm serious, do it, things will only get easier. After you have full +9's get ready, shit's gonna get easier.

10. HELL TIME Not even kidding go to hell, bring a lot of mil. ginseng or vanilla boxes, you're still a noob atm. Now that we're in hell, we can explore a little, just find the mob you like to kill the most, and kill them and get a bunch of DBSCROLLS!!! Dbscrolls sell for 2.25k each to cp admin in market, you can sell them there and start to get major cp-age. Now, I want you to get full +11's from hell, yeah that's right, +11 is harder, it might take a few days but if you vote every day you should be all good.http://lastco.blogspot.com/2011/11/go-to-hell.html#more. <----- READ THIS FOR MORE INFO

11. KK, we are now oficially ready to kick some ass!! Not yet though ); You need to get ready to use those VIP maps you've been saving, I'm going to make a guide on them visually but I'll explain it for you people who like to read. First, we need to make sure you are geared to go. So you need to make a lvl 130 +9/10 halberd and make sure you have the right equipment or you will DIE. So you should have stigma, make sure you use that, for it will increase your damage a LOT, also another helpful hint is using path-finding, you will move a lot faster and it will be easier to kill things, another trick is to alott 150 or so agility points, so you can hit the monsters more often, bring pots because you will need them, you can only go to VIP 2 right now, so in VIP1 look for a vip2 map pass and use it once you get it, but DO NOT USE THE VIP 3 PASS AT ALL YET!  Now that we've explained that, we can just read the rest of the guide.

12. USE YOUR CPS WISELY, Decide on whether you want levels or equipment, personally, I find it best to balance between it a bit, buy an ultimate armor and get it +12 by the time you are level 155.

DO NOT GET LEVEL 155 WEAPONS! They might look great and all, but by the time you buy 2 minor ulti weapons, you could have gotten level 160.


3rd REBORN GLITCH, this is just a way to keep your 1Million cps. Some people don't really bother doing 3rd reborn until later on, but you can do this whenever you want to. SO HERE ARE THE STEPS TO THE GLITCH!

a. Login an alternate character while you have your main character online

b. Make sure you are ready to 3rd reborn, and that you ONLY have 1 million cps on your  MAIN account.

c. Click through a little bit, and STOP WHEN HE SAYS: CHOOSE YOUR CLASS!

d. Trade 1 million cps to your noob account, and acccept the trade. MAKE SURE YOU ACCEPTED IT

e. Pick your class, and congratulations, you are 3rd reborn!

13. Now, we are going to start buying a level a day, you can buy 2 levels a day, if you can time it correctly, for help with the time, ask around.


15. Well, the guide ends here, I told you all you need to know, after level 185,  you can balance out what you would like to do with your cps, I can't tell you what to do better, but I believe it's best to get good +es since you will probably be KOSED by somebody. It's good to be able to fight back.