Sunday, January 1, 2012

HAHAHA!!! Someone wants me band

Idk whats going on is someone trying to ban me?
btw whats standby read and comment with an answer

[Whisper]Might~Mouse speaks towearefarmers:thanks for the frap video of yoiu standbying this area goof[1:36]

[Whisper]wearefarmers speaks toMight~Mouse:lol[1:37]

[Whisper]wearefarmers speaks toMight~Mouse:what did i do?[1:37]

[Whisper]Might~Mouse speaks towearefarmers:you using standby to speed up your killing and slowing everyone else around you to a standstill [1:37]

[Whisper]wearefarmers speaks toMight~Mouse:wtf[1:38]

[Whisper]wearefarmers speaks toMight~Mouse:i dont know what that is[1:38]

[Whisper]Might~Mouse speaks towearefarmers:i got it on video so injoy your acc while you still have it [1:38]

[Whisper]Might~Mouse speaks towearefarmers:what ever loser keep cheating its goign to get you no where[1:38]

[Whisper]wearefarmers speaks toMight~Mouse:kk[1:38]

[Whisper]wearefarmers speaks toMight~Mouse:im not cheating[1:38]

[Whisper]wearefarmers speaks toMight~Mouse:im using path finding[1:38]

[Whisper]Might~Mouse speaks towearefarmers:yeah ok thats why when your beside anyone there ping goes though the roof. thats because your using standby [1:39]

[Whisper]wearefarmers speaks toMight~Mouse:whats[1:39]

[Whisper]Might~Mouse speaks towearefarmers:im not stupid kid im a comuter tec [1:39]

[Whisper]wearefarmers speaks toMight~Mouse:stand by[1:39]

[Whisper]wearefarmers speaks toMight~Mouse:whats stand by[1:40]

[Whisper]Might~Mouse speaks towearefarmers:play dumb all you like kid i no what im talking about [1:40]

[Whisper]wearefarmers speaks toMight~Mouse:swear i have no clue[1:40]

[Whisper]Might~Mouse speaks towearefarmers:thats what they all say loser [1:41]

[Whisper]wearefarmers speaks toMight~Mouse:is it like a lag switch on xbox[1:41]

[Whisper]wearefarmers speaks toMight~Mouse:maybe ur connection is just shit[1:41]

[Whisper]Might~Mouse speaks towearefarmers:lmfao buddy i have an awsome connection and my computers running off a quad core proc 32 gigs of ram [1:42]

[Whisper]wearefarmers speaks toMight~Mouse:i said connection[1:43]

[Whisper]Might~Mouse speaks towearefarmers:tell me something else im showing the gms this video and you can kiss your acc by by injoy the mute[1:43]

[Whisper]Might~Mouse speaks towearefarmers:its a 3200 system loser and i have ultra high speed internet [1:43]

[Whisper]Might~Mouse speaks towearefarmers:try again loser [1:43]

[Whisper]wearefarmers speaks toMight~Mouse:bad location to relative to the servr[1:44]


-Daisuke Can't spell worth shit LOL

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