Monday, July 16, 2012

Hard times...

As we all know, Lastco is suffering a loss of members, And I see we still have daily page views so I'll take my time to write this... See, the problem here is people don't think it's worth their time to VOTE. Well I'll tell you, it is! If you VOTE, you get cps, obviously this is something you noobs should think about. If you're a pro, how does this sound? You can make over 101m a year! A year you might say, well what the fuck? Ok so maybe it's a year but remember, 101m is 3 rbs, or 2 +16s, now THAT makes a difference.

So anyways, you play this server, think what it would be like to have nobody but yourself online... Yeah no, get off your lazy asses and VOTE, it takes 1 minute for me to vote on ALL 3 of my accounts, 1 minute to improve your gaming experience! So yeah hit that fucking fox thingy right in the face with your di- I mean mouse! Make the fox your bitch! VOTE

                                                                                                        - this update was posted by Daisuke at 7:12 PM Monday, July 16th, 2012

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