Thursday, July 26, 2012

Thank You's and Credits of Lastco

Hello everybody, you may be thinking I quit lastco or some shit, since you haven't seen the sexiest character ever online!!! Well my other computer broke down cus it obviously likes boys... Until I get a new computer I will just be posting on the blog every now and then, but fuck that shit, that's not why you're reading this! Yeah, well... I'm going to just put some random pointless list of people who I think deserve to be cool enough for me to mention them. If you aren't on this list calm your ass down! I'll update it regularly when other people come to mind. So again, you probably don't give a fuck about this post but I do.


Lvxio - Yeah... he's first, SMD! I've known that fucker for years and we've been through alot of kicking peoples asses with eachother!  (Will, Kisama, HoneyDwarf [rofl] )

+DiViNe+ - I can't say I knew you since day one, I met you recently compared to alot of other people, but shit, your pretty BAMF lawl, not as cool as me though, maybe almost. And fuck yeah your name is yellow, divine reminds me of yellow so your yellow, deal with it!

Rob ( ^.,..,.^ ) - Rob.... I can't spell your fucking face thingy right but I tried anyways, so smd. Anyways, you've actually helped me with LASTCO... not many people I can really say that about honestly. I've known you forever too. You were even in my favorite youtube video lawl <3

Matt_Iz_A_Bk - Lol, me and you had some fun times together, in fact, we all came up with the healing satan in a mass group thingy... We spammed our friend chats together, lol my friends were raging at me but it was funny. I've played other games with you but we won't go there since this is LASTCO blog, Lastco is baws.

Kitten - well, you were one of the peoplez who knew almost all of my ingame secrets, lol. Impressive, I have alot, anyways., We talked about random shit all the time, I remember changing the lyrics to sweet child of mine to the levelscroll song, lol was funny shit. And you always call me Hippe, lawl. You helped me not want to die in vip3, lol. I enjoyed our nightly chats while slaughtering almost-innocent monsters.

[GM]LadyAllura - Well, I'll start with calling you a noob, and give me cps or banned, lol. Known you forever also, I remember your friend back in the day liked to kill me... not sure who it was! Anyways, you r my haxor GM noob.

Jeremy ^.,..,.^ - Half the time I was talking to you I didn't even know it was you. In fact I still forget alot of things about you lol, ow well, I just know you a boss? Maybe, I'll get a back to you with that.

SUGAHLUMPS - Well, I have to put you on the list! You helped me get quite a bit actually, before I got Hax0r rich, you helped me out a bit lol, I think it's safe to say 500m of my money has been assisted by you, not given, mind you I still made it myself :s, just with a lil bit of help 0;

Apple!! - Amgggg I forgot you at first );  [My apple, touch him = die.]

SuperNova/Fiction - Well, you ditched lastco long ago but I still need to credit you, You were my 2nd guild leader, and you made a hell of a good one. You made the choice to appoint me to guild leader, and I still believe I was the best candidate in the guild for that position... I am happy to say I kept us with 2 + pages of white 24/7 for a few months, I also got the guild to its peak, sadly falling with the lack of server players, which I believe will heal given some time and care.

KaitoKid - Well, despite your habbits of getting banned lmao, your an epic asian pikachu and have been my rival since day 1, I've always tried to pass you, and it took me a while to do it. But that doesn't matter to me, the fact that I got to develop friendships golden like your halloween costume, LOL that's what makes Lastco a game for me.

Awsomeness - YOU sir, are the reason I'm posting this. You started this blog up and invited me to write on it, I pretty much stole the thing from you in terms of posts, but you've done a great help to me and the short time or maybe even long time players of lastco with providing me a canvas to write my knowledge on! I really enjoy posting and helping new players, and you sir. Have made my life on Lastco a LOT easier,  Noob:PLEASE HELP I NEED HELP I'M NEW Me:

Exalted_Steel - Well first let me get it straight that I'm talking to Brandon, not Magnitude or any of that bullshit... I've known you since the day you joined, I remember helping you out and you decided to stay, you were one of my good friends for a while, when you started getting +16s we kinda went different ways and we never talk anymore. But for old times sake I'll put your name on here as well, and no, it isn't Exalted, it's Exalted_Steel, name changes are stupid!

ZESTIMAISMYBITCH - Well, your my first kos and I still want to kick your ass, you called me a faggot you slut D:< Your name is red because you're still KOS!!!

Loud~Silence - You sir, my first guild leader, you gave me the best gift of all, Ctrl>Alt>Elite , You never seemed to care about me, I know you live in Minnesota just like me lol, just saying. I won't post my entire time in ctrl>alt>elite and what it's done for me, because I intend to make a thread about this. So yeah dude, thanks for not caring about me when I was a noob... jerk D:

PrincessX/Elimination/Spanked/MagicGirl - Well, I can thank you for being a complete dumbass, I swear dude your IQ must be terrible... I think you're like a 6 year old boy or something... but yeah thanks for being retarded, it was entertaining. And remember that time when I played you 41-0, the kill didn't count since you said "stop, wait," then killed me like the dumbass you are :P. I also posted all your usernames so people know who you are

SilenceFear - I've known you almost a year I would say. We weren't really friends until we were killing supreme satan and we talked a bit lol. We like to throw insults at each other, bitch :P

Kameula/Calypso - You are really probably one of my better friends, it's fun to talk to you late at night when I'm bored hunting satan, then you ditch me to go to sleep D: I still say you should shave your head bald.

Gotrice - Well, me and you are pretty good friends. I revive you and what-not whenever you die, when you had Pulse you shared seeds with me, every other lol, we had some good times too.

SMALL - Honestly dude, you always hated me for no reason, I mean seriously, I never did anything to you what's your problem with me? Anyways, I enjoyed pissing you off after you decided to hate me, I logged in one day and you kosed me like instantly, pretty sad right? I don't know why but whatever, you always talked kinda weird to me, but it was amusing fighting you. I'll give you credit for amusing me :3

Atae - Possibly one of my oldest playing acquaintances, I've known you a while and you were always pretty nice. I liked to damage your armor while you were afk in bird island, lmao xD I don't know you well so that's why I called you an acquaintance instead of a friend, sorry D:

Mike - Dude, you helped me out so much, although you took my squama... hoe, even though you payed me 50m for it later, I know you in real life so there isn't much point in including you, but I did it anyways.

James - Fuck you my bitch, I'ma grief your MC server again lmfaoooooo xD your so mad man take a pill.

Radon - Honestly, I hated you... you always thought you were cool to kill me when I hit 12's on you. Although that changed lmao. Oh well it was fun to kick your ass in ss, I still think you used an aimbot...

Facepalm - Lol, little troll hoe :S love you

Poesje - Bitch we raped together and I think your really cool, never talked about irl shit with you though but it's cool.

Restless - thought I forgot you? I'm still on my publish so you weren't just a remembered thought or anything lol, You were a good friend to have, truly kind to pretty much everyone, we played a couple different games together. But Lastco is all that matters in the long run hehe. Love you clarky, and your baby.  lolol

Liberty - A very long time ago, we fucked up hoe mine pkers in TC mine caves, I remember literally sitting there for hours on end doing nothing but watching the miners mine. When a fucker popped up acting like rambo we sent him to jail in like 3 seconds lol. We fucked around alot in jail too. Sorry I don't remember your name change lawl.

Queency - You were a good member in my guild and a deputy leader... I've known you for almost as long as I've played. Though you quit twice, I still remember you lol so yeah!

Rulis88 - well, you're a fag lol. You zapped/pathfind/melee/hurc like a queer and I never got my chance of revenge... I hope one day you will decide to come be a slut again so I can pawnt you 0;

nobodyismyname - A true baws lol. I remember defending tc mines with you, you gave me a 40 minute VIP map and I got my first lvlupscroll with it, hehe.

THOR - You inhabited nobodyismyname and name changed, you were in my guild for a while in our attempts to win guild war. We talked a bit but mostly not that often.


last edit: 12/2/2012
-Posted by Daisuke, Thursday/July 26th/2012

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